The Scientific Activist (Archives)


Feb 25, 2006

SPUSA Conference: 31 March – 1 April

Are you a student interested in science and its impact on society? If so, you might also be interested in the upcoming Student Pugwash USA (SPUSA) conference, which will be hosted by Purdue University for two days beginning on 31 March 2006. Readers of The Scientific Activist might find many of the issues that SPUSA explores famliar:
Student Pugwash USA (SPUSA) is an educational, nonprofit organization that strives to add a dimension to scientific study that goes beyond formulas and figures. Activities force young people to probe the reasons for scientific advancement and the implications of technology on citizens' everyday lives.

While examining all sides of an issue, SPUSA increases students' ability to think independently about the issues that affect society -- issues that range from international conflict to environmental protection, from genetics research to civil rights. SPUSA focuses on the interplay that lies at the juncture of science, technology, and public policy.

More information on the background of the organization can be found on its website. The Purdue conference is the first of a series of regional conferences this year sponsored by SPUSA. According to Sharlissa Moore, Program Coordinator, “It’s open to science students of all disciplines—including science and philosophy and policy students. The conference will feature Dr. Arden Bement, Director of the National Science Foundation and focus on the topic of scientific integrity in science and engineering.” Other topics include the intersection of science and politics and the roles of integrity and social responsibility in science.

It sounds pretty interesting to me!

The complete agenda can be found online, and if you are interested in registering or have any questions, please email Sharlissa Moore at


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